The Ultimate Dance Cardio Workout From The Comfort Of Your Own Home!

Unlock dance cardio classes, tone classes, and warm ups every month!

Get the Cardio Workout of Your Life Dancing from the Comfort of Your Own Home

Unlock dance cardio classes, tone classes, and warm ups every month!

We're Not Your Momma’s Jazzercise

Our flash dance class incorporates heart pumping music with cutting edge choreography created by each of our professional Dance Forever™ instructors.
  • ​12 Flash Dances Every Month 
  • 30 Minute Heart Pumping, Mood boosting Workouts
  • ​Engage Your Brain And Body While Working Out
  • ​Created By Professional Dancers

Tone Your Body From Head to Toe

Tone Your Body 
From Head to Toe

​Our tone classes are designed to workout every inch of your body, elevate your heart rate and keep you energized throughout the day
  • ​4 New Tone Classes Every Month
  • ​Workout From Home With Or Without Weights!
  • ​Each Video Is 20 Minutes Long (Just Enough Time To Get The Workout You Need)
  • ​Choreographed To Specific Music To Make It 10x More Fun! 

Now You Might Be Thinking...

Q: "I've never danced a minute in my life, will I still enjoy this?"


What's great about our classes is the choreography starts slow and repeats at an increasing tempo to make sure you have plenty of time to get it right away.

We recommend doing each dance more than once! The better you know it, the better you feel.

Q: "Are there going to be new dances every month? Or is it going to be the same old thing?"

Every single month you will get brand spanking new choreography from our professional dancers.

You have the choice from dancing with different instructors with different flavors who offer a wide variety of moves.

Q: "This sounds too good to be true... is it really expensive to get all these new dances and tone workouts every single month?


We make it super affordable for you!

It's only $27/month and you can cancel at any time. 

That's $1.68 per video. That's less than a cup of coffee!

And if you don't like the dances in your first 30 days just email us at and you will get every penny back!

Here is What You’ll Get From Us

 Every Month You'll Get:

 12 Brand New Flash Dances Choreographed By 7 Professional Dancers $216 Value!
 4 Heart Pumping Tone Classes $72 Value!
 1 New Warm Up To Help You Get Started $18 Value!
 An Endorphin Overload! Priceless


TODAY ONLY: $27/month!

1000% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

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